Saturday, March 03, 2007

JBox Fridays: New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle

Ok, so it's not Friday...but I've been notified with the following warning from blogger:


This blog has been locked by Blogger's spam-prevention robots. You will not be able to publish your posts, but you will be able to save them as drafts.

Save your post as a draft or click here for more about what's going on and how to get your blog unlocked.

what the hell? alright, so i clicked that convenient little link and found out that a spam blog is:

What Are Spam Blogs?

As with many powerful tools, blogging services can be both used and abused. The ease of creating and updating webpages with Blogger has made it particularly prone to a form of behavior known as link spamming. Blogs engaged in this behavior are called spam blogs, and can be recognized by their irrelevant, repetitive, or nonsensical text, along with a large number of links, usually all pointing to a single site.

daaaaaaamnn...not only did they temporarily lock my blog, they insulted me at the same time! Oh's this week's video anyway...yeah I know, it's a band repeat, but New Order had a knack for this kind of music!

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